Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Do you have your own business? Are you South African? Then this post is for YOU!

We created this website for South Africans all over the world so they can see what businesses, services and events are run by fellow South African's.

Each country will have their own page which will have all the businesses, services and events available to South African's, by South African's, in the specific country which they now find themselves living in. 

If a business or service is available worldwide then it will be listed on all the relevant countries pages.

Phew... okay, so now I have even begun to confuse myself!

I'll just give you a small example so that we don't put anyone off with the confusion:

You live in the UK and make t-shirts - You only sell your t-shirts in the UK so you will be listed on our website, under the UK page.


You live in the UK and make t-shirts - You sell the t-shirts worldwide so you will be listed on our website but on every countries page - not only the UK page.

We already have some fantastic people on our site with great businesses and we are growing by the day.

From recruitment agencies advertising positions for South African's right through to stay-at-home mom's selling their hand-crafted goodies, South African's are doing it all!

We are hoping that this will create an amazing opportunity for everyone to be able to network and support one another in so many different ways and in turn be able to play a big part in making one another more successful (and eventually we will take over the world).

So, all you need to do to get the ball rolling is drop us an email and tell us you are interested in being apart of the website community and we make sure it happens.



Visit our website

Join our Facebook Page/s

Global Page:

UK Page

Expats Group:


Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Durban short listed for New7Wonders Cities Campaign

Durban has been named a finalist for the next round of the 
New7Wonders Cities Campaign!

The 21 finalists were announced in Lisbon on Monday which coincided with the 7th anniversary of the very first global vote for the original New7Wonders Campaign which was also the same Campaign that saw Table Mountain named one of the New7Wonders of Nature

The 21 official finalists are: Bangkok, Barcelona, Beirut, Chicago, Doha, Durban, Havana, Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, La Paz, London, Mendoza, Mexico City, Mumbai, Perth, Quito, Reykjavik, Saint Petersburg, Seoul, Shenzhen and Vigan.

The Founder-President of New7Wonders, Bernard Weber, said in a press release that the diversity of the remaining cities in contention was "remarkable in terms of regional geography and urban culture." 

The New7Wonders Cities has now entered its penultimate voting stage which will finish on 7th October 2014 where the list will go from 21 down to 14.

The 7 Official New7Wonders Cities will be revealed on 7th December 2014.

You can vote for Durban RIGHT HERE

South Africa
Area (SM):

Do you think Durban's got what it takes?